Monday, February 1, 2010


Have you ever noticed that time seems to go faster as you get older? Ever wonder why? Remember when you were a child and the summer days used to last forever? Now they seem to pass in an instant.
I've been thinking about this lately, as I get older, and I think I have it figured out. or at least a possible answer.
It has to do with perception. There is an old saying that "what you focus on expands." If you are fearful, you bring more things to scare you into your life. If you are loving, you bring more love into your life...etc. When we are young, we do not worry very much about the future or the past. We are very much "in the NOW". Focused on the present moments. With this focus, the "present" EXPANDS! Pushing out and elongating the time-line (assuming that time is linear, but that is another topic.) When we are adults, we spend much of our time focused on the past and future. Wasting our present moments. By focusing on the past and future, we expand them and "squeeze" the present. Considering that in reality (whatever THAT is) there is no past or future, that time is just a series of interconnected NOWS, this shortens the time-line. Making time seem to fly by. It would appear that if we really want to live l-o-n-g-e-r, we should be focused on our present moments. Be fully engaged in them, totally present in the present, so to speak.

One of my favorite quotes used by Wayne Dyer is:
"The past is over for all of us. The future is promised to none of us. That leaves us with only the present. How good are you at that?"

Show up in your own life.

Remember, "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body. But rather to slide in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, screaming "Holy Shit! What a RIDE!!" - unknown author.